
Are You Still Giving Appropriate Pension Advice?

By April 1, 2014 No Comments
cashflow modelling software prestwood truth cash flow tool

Proposed changes to pensions legislation relating to Defined Contribution ‘flexible drawdown’ arrangements will be hugely beneficial to individuals with secure annual pension income of at least £12,000…  BUT lifelong cash flow modelling software will be an essential tool for Financial Planners who offer ongoing advice to clients.

Having access to the whole of their pension funds will be immensely attractive to many; but peace of mind may be possible for clients only if their adviser can illustrate immediately the effect of withdrawals in the event of higher or lower investment performance.

How much financial help can be given to family members with urgent needs?

What level of fees can be contemplated if a client needs long term care?

…a new car?

…a special holiday?

…a second home?

These are the sort of questions that can be answered with confidence by using the flexibility provided by Prestwood software.