We wanted to find out how our customers are coping in this unprecedented time in our history. Truth® planners build their businesses around face-to-face interactions with their clients. Now you’re looking after clients in different ways, perhaps Skype or Zoom for video conferencing. We thought it would be helpful to share how different planners are ‘coping with Covid’.
In the second video in the series, we’re joined by Steph McDonald BSc (Hons) FPFS, Director at Harper Lees. Steph discusses juggling home-schooling two young children whilst enlisting the Truth team to help her migrate clients onto the cloud… and discovering how much faster she and her colleagues can work.
Steph and the HarperLees team have developed a Wellbeing Hub, not just for clients but for anyone adjusting to the “New Normal”. This is a growing resource of links, articles, and helpful guidance. You can find the hub on their website:
Watch the full video interview below. Make sure you follow us on Social Media using the links in the top-right of this page, or click on the Newsletter signup form in the bottom-right to ensure you’re the first to find out when the next video in the series becomes available.