Truth Software Release Notes 2017

Details of changes to our back office and Cashflow Modelling software

Autumn Budget 2017 (05/12/2017)

The software has been updated with the income tax rates and allowances announced in the Autumn Budget 2017, these include the increased Personal Allowance of £11,850 and the reduced Dividend Allowance of £2,000 from 2018/19 onwards.

Wealthtime Integration (20/11/2017)

We’ve added Wealthtime to our rapidly growing list of platforms and provider integrations.  If you have a client with Wealthtime holdings, you can now instantly create new or update the values of existing Wealthtime investment items.

prestwood truth cashflow modelling software wealthtime integration wrap link

Objectives Statement & Calculator Improvements (06/11/2017)

Objectives Statement now LIVE!

It’s been tweaked and improved, and we’re pleased to say our Objectives Statement is now LIVE!  Thanks to our beta testers for all of your feedback and suggestions.

prestwood truth software cash flow planning objectives timeline now live

  • The new statement, available from the Planning menu, is a place to record and prioritise client objectives.
  • Each objective can either be a:
    • Spending Objective
      • Something that needs to be paid for with a known cost, start date and target completion date. e.g. buy a sports car in 5 years’ time.
    • Saving Objective
      • Something to be accumulated with a start and target completion date. e.g. to have 1 million pounds in a bank account.
    • Non-financial Objective
      • Something they’d simply like to be able to do that may not have a cost, e.g. learn the piano, give up smoking, lose weight.
    • Financial objectives can be linked to items (e.g. a bank account) and the software will monitor the value of the item and let you know whether the objective is on track, not on track, or even achieved.
    • An interactive timeline of the objectives is displayed at the bottom of the page.

A detailed Objectives PDF is available here.


Improvements to Stochastic Calculator


prestwood truth software release notes stochastic calculator cash flow tool improvement


We’ve overhauled our Stochastic Calculator to make it easier for clients to understand.

Move your mouse along the chart to show the values of each of the lines for each year of projection.  Quickly see the likely values of the client’s portfolio at any stage, and at the end of projection.  A simple result is displayed in the top-right corner, illustrating the probability of success.

To access the tool, go to the Calculators menu from the toolbar and choose “Stochastic Calculator”.

August 2017

Speed Improvements!

prestwood truth software release notes cash flow tools speed improvement

We want you to have the best client meeting experience possible.  We’ve massively reduced the time it takes to switch between statements and financial planning scenarios. We’ve also done some clever things with drawdown crystallisations and now they’re rapid too.  Net Worth and Cashflow statements are instantaneous.

Readily Realisable Pensions

Before Pension Freedoms, pension funds were an absolute no-no in our lifetime cashflow capital chart (although you could force them to be readily realisable if you felt necessary).  Now, we’ve added a facility for you to make them become readily realisable only when each client attains their minimum retirement age.  So here (Planning>Settings>Statement Headings>Net Worth), you can customise the headings and their order, as well as then classifying where each fact find item type should be displayed under.  In the screenshot below, you can see that we’ve made two categories for Pension Funds, ‘unavailable’ and ‘available’ for pre and post minimum retirement age (MRA), with the latter being ticked as readily realisable.  The tick box at the bottom of the screen lets you make this happen and choose their post MRA heading.  The MRA can be set in the personal details item for both partners.

prestwood truth software cash flow modelling release notes readily realisable pensionsThis is how it affects the statements:-

The cashflow capital chart will only add in the pension funds when they can be truly accessed, in this case Michael’s age 55.

prestwood truth software release notes cash flow statement readily realisable pensions


For the Net Worth Statement, you can see the values of available and unavailable funds, which transposes onto the lifelong chart beautifully. Looks like based on current assumptions that Michael & Jane’s pension funds will be depleted at his age 72!

prestwood truth software release notes readily realisable pensions net worth cashflow tool

Flexi-Access Drawdown – Sustainable Income Calculator

When a ‘drawdown’ crystallisation is selected , you have always been able to select an income figure.  You can look at the Drawdown table and see what impact the selected income will have on the fund.  It may be that it uses the fund up too soon and won’t last until the client’s projected mortality age, or that they could enjoy more spending if there’s still something in the pot.  Now we’ve added  Sustainable Income Calculator next to the ‘proposed income’ field.  Here we guessed at £10,000 per month:

prestwood truth software release notes drawdown sustainable income calculator pensionSelecting the Sustainable Income Calculator, instantly shows the maximum sustainable income figure for the selected period and assumptions.prestwood truth software release notes drawdown sustainable income calculator pension cashflow tool

We’ve added this handy tool to all Death Benefits too, where the surviving partner takes drawdown.


More Detail Available for Pension Income Crystallisations

The software has always distinguished between the various types of crystallisation.  Each element was either shown as ‘taxable’ or ‘tax-free’ on the Income Statement.  Now, if you prefer, you can breakdown the crystallisation types with their own headings on the Income Statement.  This is done from Planning>Settings>Statement Headings>Income.

prestwood truth software release notes pension income crystallisation options cashflow tools

Here you can see the granular  breakdown on the Income statement and both income charts.

prestwood truth software release notes pension income granular breakdown income statement


Wealthtime Integration

We’ve added Wealthtime to our rapidly growing list of platforms and provider integrations.  If you have a client with Wealthtime holdings, you can now instantly create new or update the values of existing Wealthtime investment items.  Another massive time saver.  We have many more platforms lined up and will keep you informed as they become available.

prestwood truth software release notes wealthtime integration wrap feed cashflow tool

July 2017

More Growth Elements and Reinvest Options Added to the Unit Trust Item 

prestwood truth software release notes income growth options

Now in the Unit Trust item, you can distinguish between Capital Growth, Savings and Dividends.  With the latter two you can opt for Truth to automatically reinvest any proceeds. This will improve the accuracy of current and future income tax projections.

June 2017

Spend Less Calculator added to Cashflow Tools 


For clients whose cashflow slips into the red, we’ve added a Spend Less calculator to our growing armoury of cashflow tools. Simply click on the Spend Less button from any tab in the Cashflow Statement to access the tool:prestwood truth software release notes spend less cashflow tool zoom

Select a lower threshold  for the lifetime cashflow. The choose the frequency, period and investment return for the potential saving

prestwood truth software release notes spend less result

Select ‘calculate’ to see the result and the cashflow chart showing the impact of the spending reduction compared to the original spending

prestwood truth software release notes spend less calculator results

Watch this 3-minute video to see the Spend Less Calculator in action

Dividend Allowance changed back to £5,000 from 2018 onwards

The Dividend allowance from 2018/19 onwards has been changed back to £5,000 instead of the planned reduction to £2,000 as this change was dropped from the Finance Bill 2017.

prestwood truth software release notes dividend allowance

May 2017

New interface released

Our updated, fresher, more intuitive software is here! We’ve improved functionality and simplified features, which cut down time and complexity.

To help you become familiar with the software we have made a whole host of videos available on YouTube.  They cover a range of topics, from navigating the Net Worth statement, to using the Cashflow capital chart, and the More Inflows tool. We will be adding to these videos as we continue to develop new features and enhancements for the UK’s leading cashflow modelling tool for financial planners.


In addition to the videos, you can click here to download a document which takes you through the main changes in simple steps.   As always, our superb support team are available and on hand to help with any queries you may have.

April 2017

prestwood truth software release notes budget

Prestwood Software has been updated with all relevant changes announced in the 8th March 2017 Budget Statement. These include changes to Income Tax rates and thresholds, the reduction in money purchase annual allowance and the reduction of the dividend allowance from 2018/19.

Scottish Rates of Income Tax (SRIT)

There is now the option to assign the SRIT to your clients. This is done on a client by client basis and by default all clients will use the UK Income Tax rates. This can be changed from within the client item.

Please be aware that ticking the SRIT box in the client item will affect both partners.

prestwood truth software release notes srit scottish rates of income tax

Residence Nil Rate Band

Prestwood software now caters for the Residence Nil Rate Band (RNRB).   The impact can be seen on the ‘IHT Summary’ tabs in the Estate statement.

prestwood truth software release notes residence nil rate band nrb estate statementThis will apply to the property you have selected as the ‘main residence’ as shown below.prestwood truth software release notes residence nil rate band nrb property item

Any RNRB accrued from previous deaths can be applied in the Will item.

prestwood truth software release notes residence nil rate band nrb will item